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76th Anniversary

Nepal Council of World Affairs organized its 76th Anniversary on February 29, 2024 at the Hotel Akama, Kathmandu. Chief Guest Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. N.P. Saud, addressed the Council and expressed his views on Nepal’s foreign policy. President of NCWA Mr. Hemanta Kharel as the Chair of the program.

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Happy New Year 2024 AD

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E-Bulletin July- Sept 2023

NCWA E-Bulletin July- Sept 2023

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E-Bulletin Jan – Mar 2023

NCWA E-Bulletin Jan-Mar2023

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75th Anniversary

Nepal Council of World Affairs (NCWA) held its 75th Anniversary on February 23, 2023, at the Rastriya Sabha Griha, Kathmandu. Rt. Hon’ble President of Nepal Mrs. Bidya Devi Bhandari graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. On the occasion, NCWA also facilitated Dr. Bhekh Bahadur Thapa, a former Foreign Minister and former President of NCWA, for his outstanding contributions to strengthen Nepal’s international relations. Rt. Hon’ble President Bhandari released the NCWA annual journal 2023 during the occasion.

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Nepal’s Non-aligned Foreign Policy and Economic Diplomacy in the Current Context

The Nepal Council of World Affairs organized a program on the topic “Nepal’s non-aligned foreign policy and economic diplomacy in the current context” through a virtual internet medium. The chief guest of the interaction program was Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Gyawali.

Welcoming the participants President of NCWA, Mr. Hemant Kharel, said that the Non-Aligned Movement started from Belgrade in 1961 and now it has 120 member countries, 17 observers and 10 international organizations’ support to the movement. He expressed the view that non-aligned nations should pursue a policy of peaceful coexistence and non-interference in internal affairs of other countries while conducting international relations. Nepal is one of the founding members of NAM committed to protecting sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence in order to enhance Nepal’s prestige by adopting the same policy and also contributing to the establishment of world peace, harmony and tranquility while promoting economic prosperity and social wellbeing of Nepal. Similarly, he expressed his views that government of Nepal has been mobilizing its missions abroad through economic diplomacy for attracting foreign direct investment, promoting trade and business, promoting tourism and foreign employment, and bringing in appropriate technology. Due to Nepal’s geostrategic location, more attention needs to be paid to strengthening of relations with its neighboring countries, India and China. Nepal needs to work in its national interest without leaning too much on one neighbor at the expense of another. Similarly, it should create an environment for the maintenance of good relations with other neighboring countries as well as the powerful nations of the world in order to bring in prosperity and happiness to the people of Nepal. In the end, he said that the Non-Aligned Movement, in the present changed context, would be more meaningful if it also created an environment of investment and cooperation among the nations involved in the Non-Aligned Movement.

Discussing Nepal’s economic diplomacy, the Foreign Minister said that from the economic point of view, Nepal could reap huge benefits by attracting investment from emerging economies of the world, India and China. The general dispute over the border between China and India for some time seemed to have some effect on Nepal. However, the bilateral talks between the Chinese and Indian high officials meeting in Moscow to resolve the internal conflict was positive, he said. He highlighted that ‘we are not in the habit of closing one door and opening another, we should be happy for stability in the neighborhood’. He also said that Nepal’s relations with India could not be damaged due to its close cultural and emotional ties. We have strengthened the historical ties with the two neighboring countries and assured them that we do not want to get involved in disputes between the two countries.

Responding to the queries raised by experts on various aspects including Nepal’s economic, diplomatic, security and border disputes, he said that we would implement the principles of sovereign equality and work in Nepal’s interest in its relations with China and India.

A vote of thanks was offered by the NCWA Secretary Mr. Bhuvan Pathak, moderated by the Treasurer of the Council, Mr. Rabindra Nath Bhattarai. The program was attended by a large number of experts and specialists’ members of the council in various fields.

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Resiliency, Unity and Timely Action

1. Nepal, along with the rest of the world is currently engaged in the battle against Coronavirus-19 pandemic. It has affected people globally irrespective of their cast, creed, class, gender, race, ethnicity and nationality. People involved in tourism sector, migrant workers, small and medium scale enterprises and daily wage workers have especially been hit hard. The novel Corona virus, if left unchecked, will bring death and devastation in a short span of time. The likes of which the world has not witnessed since the Spanish flu in 1920’s.

2. Due to the impacts of corona virus observed globally, the global economy is expecting to shrink by 3 percent in 2020. Nepal’s GDP growth rate is expected to decline to 1-3%. COVID-19’s long-term consequences could be devastating for Nepal. A recent World Bank report predicted a severe drop in GDP growth over the next three fiscal years. The risk of increasing poverty ratio is high and is likely to increase further in the incoming years. The Nepalese economy is being hit simultaneously on multiple fronts including agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, transportation, trade, small and medium scale industries, in addition to increasing unemployment and a sharp decline in remittances. hitherto a significant source of revenue for keeping the economy floating.

3. The major labor destinations for Nepali migrant workers are also in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent report by International Labor Organization said that the pandemic was expected to wipe out 6.7% of work hours globally in the second quarter of 2020. This is equivalent to 195 million full time workers. Nepalese migrant workers will also be affected from this. Nepalese migrant workers sent remittance equivalent to about USD 8.79 billion in 2018/2019. Nepal is the 19th largest receiver of remittance in the world. When compared to the country’s total GDP it is equivalent to 26% of the Nepal’s total GDP. This would have a severe impact on overall consumption in the country. The Nepali migrant workers have remained stranded in foreign destinations.

4. The wholesale and retail sector has also been severely affected largely because of the drastic downfall in imports from China. This sector contributes 14.37% to the economy. In this situation Nepal needs to import from other countries which will result in the product being costlier and leads to a high risk of general inflation. Apart from this, the uncertainty and fear from COVID-19 crisis inevitably has produced anxiety and poses mental health challenges.

5. At this critical juncture, we need to see compensating measures in effective implementation including prudent monetary/fiscal policy, stimulus packages, and job creation activities. We need to disregard differences among us and work together cohesively in a coordinated manner to prevent further transmission of the virus across the country and provide the best medical services for those who need them.

6. The flow of information from various formal and informal channels about the spread, measures for protection and treatment and consequences of this pandemic should be factual and transparent to avoid any unnecessary panic.

7. Covid-19 crisis has generated enormous solidarity especially in evacuating citizens of different countries along with its own citizens from various countries, supplying and sharing medicines and equipment, and in strengthening relationship with other countries. The harmony resulted could be utilized in improving future political and economic relations between countries.

8. The crisis on the other hand has also created challenges to multilateralism. The role of UN System including WHO has been questioned and undermined, but organizations like WHO, the World Bank and IMF have played a crucial role in responding to the present health and economic crisis. Smaller countries need them. Furthermore, increasing global connectivity also demands for a global response to handle crisis like this. The forms may change but the multilateralism must be strengthened further.

9. The Council extends its sincere appreciation for the works being done by medical experts, paramedical staffs, personnel of security agencies, staff of other government and non-agencies and so on. The Council believes that the pandemic can and should be contained with efforts from all of us. The Council stands ready to extend our support in this task during this crucial hour.

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Stay Safe, Sound, Alert, and Blessed amid the COVID-19

आदरणीय नेपाल विश्व सम्बन्ध परिषद्का सदस्यज्यूहरु,
कोरोना भाइरस (COVID-19) को माहामारीबाट विश्वको मानव जातिनै आक्रान्त र भयभीत भएका छन् । यो संवेदनशील घडिमा विश्व भातृत्व र आपसि सहयोग बाटै यो रोगको विरुद्धको लडाँइ जित्न सकिने हुँदा एकजुट हुनुको अर्को विकल्प छैन । नेपालीले पनि यो डरलाग्दो भाइरसबाट मुक्ति पाउन बाँच र बचाउँ भन्ने मूल मन्त्र सहित हालको परिस्थितिमा घर भित्रै रहेर यो माहामारी फैलन नदिन हामी सबै सजक रहौं । परिषद्का सदस्यहरु र परिवारले यहि मूल मन्त्र आत्मसाथ गर्दै आफ्नो छिमेकीलाई पनि यसै अनुरुप अनुशासित हुन प्रेरणा दिँदै आफ्नो मातृ संस्थाको प्रतिष्ठा अझ बृद्धि गरौं ।
हेमन्त खरेल
अध्यक्ष एवं
कार्यसमिति परिवार

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Election Notice

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72nd AGM of NCWA

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Council was held on August 24, 2019, at Hotel Yellow Pagoda, Kathmandu. The meeting passed the annual budget and proposed programme for the fiscal year 2019/2020. Executive member Miss Jaya Sharma, presented the annual report of 2076. The report was unanimously passed by the meeting. Similarly, the Treasurer, Mr. Rabindra Nath Bhattarai, presented financial statement and annual budget for the next Fiscal Year 2076/77. The meeting approved auditor’s report and financial report for the years 2018/2019 and appointed an auditor for the next fiscal year. The meeting ended with the concluding remarks by the President, Mr. Hemanta Kharel.

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NCWA e-bulletin Apr-Jun 2019

NCWA  e-bulletin April-June2019

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“मानव अधिकार र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्ध”

नेपाल विश्व सम्बन्ध परिषद्
नेपाल विश्व सम्बन्ध परिषद्ले मिति २०७६ वैशाख १२ गते “मानव अधिकार र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्ध” विषयमा छलफल तथा अन्तरक्रिया कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरेको थियो । कार्यक्रमका प्रमुख वक्ता राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगका अध्यक्ष माननीय अनूपराज शर्माले मानव अधिकार र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्धका विविध आयामहरुका बारेमा प्रकाश पार्नु भएको थियो । उक्त कार्यक्रमको अध्यक्षता परिषद्का अध्यक्ष श्री हेमन्त खरेलले गनुभएको थियो ।

परिषद्ले आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रममा बोल्दै राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगका अध्यक्ष अनुपराज शर्माले नेपालको बदलिँदो परिवेश अनुकूलको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्ध विस्तार गर्नुपर्नेमा जोड दिनु भयो। कार्यक्रममा बोल्दै शर्माले नेपाल लगायतका मुलुकले पञ्चशीलको सिद्धान्तलाई पालना गरे पनि शक्तिशाली मुलुकले भने त्यसलाई उल्लंघन गरिरहेकोमा दुःख व्यक्त गुर्न भयो ।

मानव अधिकार र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्धको अवस्थाबारे बोल्दै शर्माले वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जाने नेपाली कामदारको मानव अधिकारको अवस्था चिन्ताजनका रहको बताउनुभयो । वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जाने नेपालीको मानव अधिकारको अवस्था कसले हेर्ने, यसमा नेपालको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्धमार्फत समाधान खोज्नुपर्नेमा जोड दिँदै ‘नेपाली कामदारको मानवअधिकारको रक्षाका लागि जहाँजहाँ नेपाली छन्, त्यहाँको सरकारसँग नेपाल सरकारले मानव अधिकारका सन्दर्भमा सम्झौता गर्नुपर्छ,’ भन्नु भयो ।

शर्माले नेपालको संविधान मानव अधिकारका हिसाबले उत्तम भए पनि कार्यान्वयनको हिसाबले यसको मूल्यांकन गर्न सकिने अबस्था सृजना भएको बताउनु भयो । संविधानमानै धेरैजसो मौलिक अधिकारको व्यवस्था गरिए पनि ती कार्यान्वयन हुने नहुनेमा शंका रहेको बताउँदै मौलिक हक जुन दिन उच्चारण ग¥यो त्यही दिन कार्यान्वयन गर्नुपर्ने र ‘मानव अधिकारका विषयमा संविधानले सबै दिएको तर केही नदिएको अवस्था छ, त्यसको कार्यान्वयनको अवस्थाले यसलाई पुष्टिगर्छ भन्ने भनाइ राख्नु भएको थियो ।

शर्माले नेपालको संविधानको धारा २६ लाई लिएर पश्चिमाहरू सशंकित बनेको बताउँदै धारा २६ मा गहन विषय राखिएको र यसले धर्म परिवर्तनको विषयलाई अप्ठेरो पारेको भन्दै त्यसप्रति पश्चिमाहरूले प्रश्न गर्ने गरेको जानकारी समेत दिनुभयो । संविधानमा धर्मनिरपेक्षता उल्लेख गरिए पनि उक्त धाराले धर्मनिरपेक्षताको विषय प्रष्ट नपारेको बारेमा पश्चिमाको चासो हुने गरेको बताउनु भयो । कार्यक्रममा बोल्दै शर्माले राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगको भूमिकाका विषयमा सरकारले कडा ढंगले प्रएस्तुत भएको बताउने तर मिडियाले कमजोर ढंगले प्रस्तुत गर्ने गरेको आरोप समेत लगाउने गरेको बताउँदै मानव अधिकारसम्बन्धी प्रस्तावित संसोधन विधेयकले आयोगको भूमिकालाई खुम्च्याउने प्रयास गरेको आरोपसमेत लगाउनु भयो । राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगको कार्यक्षेत्र र अधिकार संकुचित पार्ने गरी विधेयकको मस्यौदा ल्याउनु नहुने धारणा रहेको थियो । यदि संसदमा पेश गरेको विधेयक नै पारित भए अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय क्षेत्रमा नेपालको प्रतिष्ठामा आँच आउन सक्छ, विश्वका सय भन्दा बढी मुलुकमा मानव अधिकार आयोग छन् जसमा ’ए’ ग्रेडमा रहेका ७१ देश छन् ।

नेपाल २०५७ सालको स्थापनाकाल देखि नै ’ए’ ग्रेडमा पर्दै आएको छ । तर समचारहरुमा जस्तै विधेयक पास गर्ने हो भने आयोगको ’ग्रेडिङ’ घटुवा हुनसक्ने बताउनु भयो र यस्तो हुन नदिन कानून मन्त्रीसंग बारम्बार सम्पर्क तथा छलफल चलिरहेकोले यस्तो अवस्था आउन नसक्नेमा आफू ढुक्क रहेको बताउनु भयो । शर्माले विगतमा सरकारको आग्रहमा आयोगलाई कार्यकारिणीको प्रत्यक्ष निगरानीमा राख्ने प्रावधानसहित ल्याइएको मानव अधिकार आयोग ऐन, २०६८ को संशोधन सम्बन्धी विधेयक संसद् सचिवालयमा दर्ता गरिएको तर सरोकारवाला संघसंस्था र विपक्षी दलको व्यापक विरोधका कारण विधेयक सार्वजनिक हुन नसकेको बताउनु भयो ।

कार्यक्रमा अध्यक्षता गर्नु भएका विश्व सम्बन्ध परिषद्का अध्यक्ष हेमन्त खरेलले मानव अधिकार जस्तो गम्भिर विषय सरकार र देशको प्रतिष्ठासँग गाँसिएको बताउनु भयो । छापामा आएजस्तै गरी आयोगले आफ्नो प्रतिवेदन महान्यायधिवक्तालाई बुझाउने गरी संशोधन विधेयक पारित गर्न सरकारले बलमिच्यायी गरेरै ल्याए त्यसको नतिजा सरकारले नै भोग्नुपर्छ भन्नु भयो । छापामा आएका समाचारको कारणले पीडितहरूलाई समेत अन्योलमा पारेको प्रसंग जोड्दै सररकारलाई विधेयकमा राख्न लागिएका केही प्रावधान सच्याउन आग्रह गर्नु भएको थियो । आयोगका मुख्य सरोकार विधेयकको प्रस्तावनाबाट ‘स्वायत्तता र स्वतन्त्रता’ शब्द हटाइउन लागिएको र यसले संविधानमा गरिएको व्याख्यालाई समेत चुनौति दिएको प्रसंग जोड्नु भएको थियो । खरेलले मानव अधिकार आयोग, दलित आयोग, मुस्लिम आयोग, अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोग जस्ता आयोगहरु स्वतन्त्र हुनुपर्ने बताउनु भयो । यस्ता आयोगमा सरकारको कुनै हस्तक्षप हुननहुने कुरा विभिन्न देशको तथ्यगत उदाहरण सहित आफ्नो मन्तव्य राख्नु भयो ।

छलफलको क्रममा उपस्थित व्यक्तिबाट गरिएको प्रश्नको उत्तर दिँदै आयोगका अध्यक्ष शर्माले मानव अधिकारका नाममा पीडितलाई न्याय दिन खोजेको तर सरकारको विरुद्धमा गर्न खोजिएको हैन भन्दै सरकारको मात्र स्वार्थ पूरा गर्न आयोगको स्थापना नभएको इतिहास दोहो¥याउँदै यस्ता क्रियाकलापबाट आयोग विचलित हुँदैन भन्नु भयो ।

जिज्ञासाको उत्तर दिँदै शर्माले प्रस्तावित विधेयकमा आयोगले कुनै संस्था वा व्यक्तिलाई मुद्दा चलाउनुपर्दा प्रधानमन्त्रीको कानुनी सल्लाहकारको भूमिकामा रहेको महान्यायाधिवक्ताको कार्यालयलाई सिफारिस गर्नुपर्ने प्रावधान राख्न लागिएको तर त्यो विषय छलफलमै रहेकाले अहिले नै यसै हो भन्न नसकिने बताउनु भयो । मानव अधिकार अयोगले आफ्नो प्रतिवेदन सरकारलाई पेश गर्ने व्यवस्था भएको र महान्यायाधिवक्ता सरकार होइन सरकारको कानुनी सल्लाहकार हो भन्नुभयो ।

अर्को जिज्ञासाको उत्तर दिँदै शर्माले मानव अधिकारको उत्तरदायित्व सरकारले लिने सम्बन्धमा आफू ढुक्क रहेको जानकारी दिनु भयो ।

नेपाल विश्व सम्बन्ध परिषद्ले आयोजना गरेको उक्त कार्यक्रममा परिषद्का कार्यसमिति सदस्य सुश्री जयाशर्माले स्वागत मन्तव्य दिनु भएको थियो भने उपाध्यक्ष श्री उमेश बहादुर मल्लले धन्यवाद ज्ञापन गर्नुभएको थियो । कार्यक्रमको सञ्चालन परिषद्का कोषाध्यक्ष सह प्राध्यापक श्री रविन्द्र नाथ भट्टराईले गर्नु भएको थियो । कार्यक्रममा परिषद्का विभिन्न क्षेत्रका विभिन्न विषयका विज्ञ सदस्य तथा पत्रकारहरुको उपस्थिति रहेको थियो ।

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NCWA e-bulletin Jan – Mar 2019

NCWA  e-bulletin January – March 2019

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NCWA 71st Anniversary

Nepal Council of World Affairs held its 71st Anniversary on February 18, 2019, at Hotel Yellow Pagoda, Kathmandu. On the occasion, the Chief Guest Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Pradeep Kumar Gyawali, address the council.

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Cordially invites you to an interaction on Nepal’s Foreign Policy in the Present Context

President Hemanta Kharel and Executive Committee of Nepal Council of World Affairs Cordially invites you to an interaction on Nepal’s Foreign Policy in the Present Context.

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Interaction on “Good Governance, Corruption control and Foreign Policy”

Nepal Council of World Affairs Organized an Interaction on “Good Governance, Corruption control and Foreign Policy” at the NCWA Hall, Lalitpur on October 4, 2018, Speakers, Mr. Yuba Raj Gyawali, Former Local development Minister, Dr. Prakash Sharan Mahat, Former Foreign Minister, and Dr. Som Lal Subedi, Former Chief Secretary, Government of Nepal spoke respectively on the occasion. President of NCWA, Mr. Hemanta Kharel Chair the programme

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Nepal-Sri Lanka Relations

The Nepal Council of World Affairs organized an interaction programme on “Nepal-Sri Lanka Relations and Future Perspective” on September 20, 2018, at the NCWA Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur. During that occasion H.E. Ms. Swarna Perera, Ambassador of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and President of NCWA Mr. Hemata Kharel exchange MoU which was signed between Nepal Council of World Affairs (NCWA) and the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute (LKI), Sri Lanka. Her Excellency Ambassador spokes about the importants of Nepal Sri Lanka relations and areas of future cooperation.

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Nepal French Relations

Talk on Dynamics of Nepal-France Relations in the 21st century by Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Jean-Charles Demarquis, Embassy of the French Republic on Friday, July 6, 2012 (Ashadh 22, 2069) at 5 p.m. at NCWA Seminar Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.

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Constitution and Participation

Interaction Programme on “Constitution and Participation” on Friday, August 24, 2012 (Bhadra 8, 2069)at 3:00 p.m. at NCWA Seminar Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur; Speakers: Mr. C.P. Mainali, Dr. Chandra Kanta Gyawali, Mr. Bihari Krishna Shrestha.

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Nepal-China Relations

Talk on “Nepal-China Relations” by H.E. Mr. Yang Houlan Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Nepal on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 (Bhadra 27, 2069)

at 3:30 p.m. at NCWA Seminar Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.

Nepal Council of World Affairs

a talk programme on “Recent Trends of Nepal-China Relations: Future Perspective”


by H.E. Mr. Wu Chuntai, Ambassador, The People’s Republic of China to Nepal

on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at NCWA Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur

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Nepal Finland Relations

Talk programme on “Nepal-Finland Relations” by H.E. Mr. Asko Luukkainen, Ambassador of Finland to Nepal, on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

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Nepal USA Relations

Talk programme on “Nepal-USA Relationship” by Mr. Stacy Standley, Former Mayor, Denvar, USA, on Friday, December 7, 2012.

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Nepal Norway Relations

Talk on “Nepal-Norway Relationship” by H.E Mr. Alf Arne Ramslien, Ambassador of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, on Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Talk programme on “Recent Trends of Nepal-Norway Relations: Future Perspective” by the Chief Guest H.E. Mr. Kjell Tormod Pettersen, Ambassador of Norway to Nepal on Monday, February 10, 2014 at NCWA Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur

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Nepal German Relations

Talk on “Recent Trends of Nepal-German Relations: Future Perspective” by H.E. Mr. Frank Meyke, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, on Thursday, February 21, 2013

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Book Release

Book release, by Mr. Satya Mohan Joshi, Expert in Culture, entitled “Maharaj Chandra Shumsher ko Jivani” (Biography of Prime Minister Chandra Shumsher), written by Mr. Prakash A Raj, Writer and Former Vice President, NCWA, at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, July 23, 2013 (Shrawan 8, 2070), at NCWA Seminar Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.

Hand Book: Lifestyle and Non-communicable Diseases

by Dr. Rajendra B. Shrestha

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66th Anniversary of the NCWA was held on August 18, 2013 (Bhadra 2, 2070) at Amrapali Banquet, Baluwatar, Kathmandu. Chief Guest Rt. Hon’ble Chairman, Council of Ministers of Nepal Mr. Khil Raj Regmi and Hon’ble Foreign Minister, Mr. Madhav Prasad Ghimire spoke on “Nepal’s Foreign Policy”. On the occasion, the Chief Guest of the function Rt. Hon’ble Chairman, Council of Ministers released the NCWA journal 2013.

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Nepal Pakistan Relatoins in the Changing Regional Scenario

Talk programme on Situation in Afghanistan and its Implications for Pakistan and the Region by the Chief Guest Mr. Sajjad Ashraf, former High Commissioner of Pakistan to Afghanistan on Sunday, April 6, 2014 at NCWA Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.

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Nepal India Relations

A talk on Recent Trends of Nepal-India Relations: Future perspective was held on May 17, 2013 at NCWA Seminar Hall, Lalitpur. The Chief Guest at the function His Excellency Mr. Jayant Prasad, Ambassador of the India to Nepal, spoke on the subject.

Talk programme on Recent Trends of Nepal-India Relations: Future Perspective” by H.E. Mr. Ranjit Rae, Ambassador, the Republic of India to Nepal on Friday, February 7, 2014 at NCWA Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur

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Nepal Israel Bilateral Relation

Talk programme on “Nepal Israel Bilateral Relations” by Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Hanan Goder Goldberger, Embassy of the State of Israel on Monday, July 2, 2012 (Ashadh 18, 2069) at 4:30 p.m. at NCWA Seminar Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.

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British Foreign Policy

Talk on “British Foreign Policy in a Networking World” by H.E. Dr. John A. Tucknott, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Nepal, on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 (Ashwin 3, 2069) at 3:30 p.m. at NCWA Seminar Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.

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Current State of Economic Cooperation in South Asia by H.E. Mr. Ahmed Saleem Secretary General of SAARC, Thursday, October 11, 2012.

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